Die beliebtesten norwegischen Mädchennamen

The most popular Norwegian girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Norwegian female baby names. It ranges from traditional Norwegian girls' and women's names to more modern Norwegian girls' names up to common Norwegian girl names and the most popular first names for girls in Norway over the last 100 years. 

Norwegian girls' names - let it goooooo

"Frozen fan, anyone? Get your royal clothes ready and grease your vocal chords, because it's time to let it go. And by that we mean the name Elsa, because there are so many other Scandinavian girls' names that will make you feel like a queen. 

As profound and vibrant as the weather are the Norwegian girls' and women's names are full of meaning and adventure. Whether it's a snowstorm, a fresh summer breeze or a brave warrior, they take you on a journey through centuries of history and make you feel like you're standing at the top of a Scandinavian fjord.

Traditional Norwegian girls' names

The country's history is just as long as its coastline. Filled with Viking, medieval and monarchical eras, the timeline of Norway goes way back. In the list below, you'll find some traditional Norwegian girls' and women's names and their meanings that have their roots deep in the past.

Name Bedeutung
AstridGöttliche Schönheit oder Gott schön geliebt
GunhildKrieg und Kampf
IngridSchöne Göttin
KariLuft oder Wind
RagnhildKämpferische Beraterin oder Weise Herrscherin
SigridSieg und Schönheit oder Schutz
SolveigSonnenweg oder Pfad der Sonne
ThoraDonner oder Gott des Donners

Is it just us, or do these traditional Norwegian girls' and women's names convey the feeling of being wrapped in a majestic cloak, ready to conquer the world? With hair blowing in the wind...

Modern Norwegian girls' names

While the remnants of Norwegian history continue to find their place in the culture, modern Norwegian girls' names have modern Norwegian first names for girls and women have also found their way onto the playgrounds - bringing a little more coolness to Scandinavia's already chilly climate, so to speak. Below are some modern Norwegian girls' names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
EllaLicht oder Schöne Frau
EmmaUniversell oder Groß
LeahMüde oder Wildkuh
MajaVariante von Maria oder Maya
NoraLicht oder Ehre
TheaGottes Geschenk

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Common Norwegian Girl Names

You can't compete with Walt Disney, can you? But Ella isn't the only Norwegian girl's name that Norwegian parents have chosen for their little girls. In the following list you will find the most common Norwegian girls' and women's names and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
EllaLicht oder Schöne Frau
EmmaUniversell oder Groß
IdaFleißig oder Aktiv
MajaVariante von Maria oder Maya
NoraLicht oder Ehre
SaraPrinzessin oder Edle

Some things just won't let go, and that's a good thing. Especially when they combine both tradition and trend, like these common Norwegian girls' names. 

Most popular Norwegian girls' names of the last 100 years

The last century was a pivotal one for Norway due to the discovery of oil in the North Sea. The once relatively poor country has developed into one of the richest countries in the world. And even if this sounds like a fairy tale, it is actually a reality and is reflected in the List of the most popular Norwegian girls' names of the last 100 years.

  • Ane
  • Anna
  • Åse
  • Bente
  • Caroline
  • Elin
  • Emma
  • Eva
  • Frida
  • Hanne
  • Ingrid
  • Janne
  • Kari
  • Liv
  • Maja
  • Mona
  • Nina
  • Siri
  • Sofie
  • Tine
  • Vigdis

Money may make the world go round, but nature always grounds us. Especially in a Scandinavian country like Norway, where the many fjords, national parks, mountains and coastlines always provide stability - and it shows in these Norwegian girls' names. Just like that.

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Our top 100 Norwegian girls' names and their meanings

If you haven't liked any of our Norwegian girls' or women's names so far, we've got you covered. 100 more Norwegian female baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
Ågotguter Rand oder gute Spitze
ÅslaugGott und Versprechen
AlvaElfe oder übernatürliches Wesen
AnjaKurzform von Anna, "die Anmutige"
AstaKurzform von Astrid
Astriddie göttlich Schöne
Beritnorwegische Form von Birgitta, "die Erhabene"
Birgittadie Erhabene oder die Strahlende
BodilBuße und Kampf
Dagnyneuer Tag
EirinFrieden und Segen
Elinenorwegische Form von Helena
EliseKurzform von Elisabeth, "Gott ist Vollkommenheit"
Emblanach der ersten Frau in der nordischen Mythologie
EiraBarmherzigkeit oder Gnade
Frejanach der nordischen Göttin der Liebe
Fridadie Friedvolle
Frøyanach der nordischen Göttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit
GretaKurzform von Margarete
GudrunGottes Geheimnis
GunnhildKampf und Krieg
Guroweibliche Form von Guttorm, "Gottes Wurm"
Heddadie Kämpferin
Helgadie Heilige
HerborgHeer und Schutz
Hildedie Kämpferin
Ibendänische Form von Yvonne, "Eibe"
Idadie Arbeitsame oder die Fleißige
IngeborgSchutz des Gottes Ing
IngerIng's Krieger
Ingriddie schöne Reiterin
IngunnIng's Liebe
Irmelingroß und zart
Jofridlieb und schön
Kajarein oder Kurzform von Katharina
Karinorwegische Form von Katharina
Kirstennorwegische Form von Christine
Kjerstinorwegische Form von Christine
LailaNacht oder dunkel
LenaKurzform von Helena oder Magdalena
LiseKurzform von Elisabeth
MajaKurzform von Maria
MariKurzform von Maria
Maritnorwegische Form von Margarete, "die Perle"
Martenorwegische Form von Martha, "die Herrin"
MetteKurzform von Margarete
Monadie Einsame oder die Wünschende
NannaMutter oder nach der nordischen Göttin
Njålweibliche Form von Njal, "Riese"
NoraLicht oder Kurzform von Eleonora
OdaReichtum oder Erbe
OlaugVorfahren und Glück
Olinenorwegische Form von Helena
Pernillenorwegische Form von Petronella
Ragnhildweise Kämpferin
Randischöner Schild
ReidunRat und Liebe
Signedie Siegreiche
Sigriddie schöne Siegerin
Siljenorwegische Form von Cäcilia, "die Blinde"
SiriKurzform von Sigrid
Sisselnorwegische Form von Cecilia
SivBraut oder Verwandte
SolveigWeg der Sonne oder Sonnenweg
SolfridSonne und schön
Synnedie Wahre oder die Sonne
Theadie Göttin oder Kurzform von Dorothea
TinaKurzform von Christina
ToneKurzform von Antonia
Tonjenorwegische Form von Antonia
TorhildThor und Kampf
TorilThors Kampf
TrineKurzform von Katrine
Turidschöne Göttin oder Thors Schönheit
Unadie Eine oder die Einzige
UndisWelle und Göttin
Unnidie Liebende
Valborgdie Burgherrscherin
VeraGlaube oder die Wahre
Vildedie Wilde
Wenchenorwegische Form von Wendy
Ylvadie Wölfin

Conclusion on Norwegian girl names

Snow Queen or not, Norwegian girls' names show us that we don't have to go far to find something unique. Norway's rich history and breathtaking nature provide a rich source of inspiration - especially for those who get lost in a sea of Sofies.

As this Nordic charm continues to grow in popularity, we at Lottili are delighted to see any new Norwegian girls' names that could melt the heart of any Frozen fan.

Frequently asked questions about Norwegian girls' names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Which Norwegian girls' names originate from the Viking Age?

Several Norwegian girls' names have their roots in the Viking Age and Norse mythology. Here are some examples:

Astrid - means "the divinely beautiful" and was widely used in the Viking Age.

Freyja/Freja - named after the Norse goddess of love and fertility.

Sigrid - means "the beautiful winner" and has ancient Norse roots.

Gudrun - means "God's secret" and comes from Norse mythology.

Ragnhild - is made up of "ragn" (council) and "hildr" (battle), a typical Viking name.

Ingrid - means "the beautiful rider" or "Ing's beauty", Ing being an old Norse god.

Signe - means "the victorious one" and is of Old Norse origin.

Thorun/Torun/Torunn - a name that comes directly from the Viking Age and refers to the god Thor.

Åse - means "goddess" and has Old Norse roots.

Helga - means "the saint" and was common in the Viking Age.

These names often reflect qualities that were valued in Viking culture, such as strength, beauty, wisdom and connections to the gods. They have their roots in the Old Norse language and mythology that prevailed during the Viking Age (ca. 793-1066 AD).

Are there any Norwegian girls' names that go back to Norse mythology?

Yes, there are several Norwegian girls' names that have their roots in Norse mythology. Here are some examples:

Freyja/Freja - named after the Norse goddess of love and fertility.

Sif - after the goddess Sif, the wife of Thor.

Idun/Idunn - after the goddess of youth and immortality.

Embla - in Norse mythology, the first woman created by the gods together with Ask.

Eir - named after the goddess of healing and curing.

Nanna - after the goddess Nanna, the wife of Balder.

Skadi - named after the giantess and goddess of hunting and winter.

Frigg - after the goddess Frigg, the wife of Odin and goddess of marriage and motherhood.

Sigyn - after the faithful wife of the god Loki.

Rán - named after the sea goddess Rán.

These names often reflect important aspects of Norse mythology and embody qualities such as strength, wisdom, beauty or special abilities associated with the respective goddesses or mythological figures. The use of such names demonstrates the enduring importance of Norse mythology in Norwegian culture and naming.

Which Norwegian girls' names stand for strength and fighting spirit?

There are several Norwegian girls' names that represent strength and fighting spirit:

Astrid - means "the divinely beautiful" and was widely used in Viking times, indicating strength.

Sigrid - means "the beautiful winner", which clearly expresses strength and fighting spirit.

Ragnhild - is made up of "ragn" (council) and "hildr" (battle), a typical name from the Viking Age that symbolizes fighting spirit.

Tilda - means "the mighty fighter".

Hedda - means "the fighter".

Vigdis - means "goddess of war", which embodies both strength and fighting spirit.

Åshild - means "goddess fighter".

Gunnhild - is made up of "battle" and "war".

Torhild - combines "Thor" (the god of thunder) and "battle".

Jorid - stands for "strength" and "grace".

These names often reflect qualities that were valued in Norse culture and especially in the Viking Age, such as strength, fighting spirit and connections to the gods.

Which Norwegian girls' names are particularly popular in Norway?

Nora - A classic name that means "light" and is very popular in Norway.

Ella - A short form that is often used for names like Elisabeth or Eleonore.

Maja - A beautiful, timeless name that is common in many Scandinavian countries.

Sophie - An international name meaning 'wisdom' that is also popular in Norway.

Emma - A widely used name meaning 'the all-embracing one'.

Frida - This name means 'peace' and is very popular in Norway.

Sigrid - A traditional name meaning 'beautiful winner'.

Astrid - Means "divinely beautiful" and has historical roots in Nordic culture.

Adele - A name that means "noble" and is often chosen in Norway.

Liv - A short, concise name meaning "life".

Solveig - A traditional name meaning "sun path".

Alma - Means "nourishing" or "fruitful".

Mira - A name meaning "peace" or "miracle".

Tiril - A modern name that is gaining popularity in Norway.

Sunniva - Means "gift of the sun" and has Old Norse roots.

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