Ein junger Junge hält eine spanische Flagge und lächelt beliebte spanische Jungennamen

The most popular Spanish boys' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Spanish male baby names. It ranges from traditional Spanish boy names to more modern Spanish boy names up to common Spanish boy names and the most popular first names for boys in Spain over the last 100 years. 

Spanish boy names - great, greater, greatest

With the great works and achievements of Cervantes, Dalí, Picasso, Banderas and Nadal (to name but a few), Spain has definitely produced many famous male personalities over the years. And whether on the canvas or on the pitch, they have all definitely left their mark.

Every Spanish boy born today therefore not only enters a significant cultural legacy, but often carries a name that is deeply rooted in society. So, ¡vamos! Let's explore some typical Spanish boy nameswhich are a delicious mix of traditional classics and modern favorites - just like any good museum or sports team.

Traditional Spanish boy names

When it comes to traditional Spanish boy names, the marks of time are clear and recognizable. Whether from a religious, historical or family context, these names reflect a lengthy diversity that is as vast as the countless beaches Spain has to offer. In the following list you will find some classic Spanish boy names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AlejandroVerteidiger der Menschheit
Alfonsoedler und bereitwilliger Krieger
Carlosfreier Mann
Diegoder Lehre Gottes
Fernandokühner Beschützer
HugoVerstand oder Intelligenz
JavierNeues Haus
ManuelGott ist mit uns
MateoGeschenk Gottes
Pablokleiner oder bescheidener
RaúlRatgeber des Wolfes
SantiagoGott möge beschützen

Of course, you don't need a cerveza in your hand or feet in the sand to to bring these traditional Spanish boys' names to life. But a little imagination certainly doesn't hurt, does it?

Modern Spanish boy names

Even if the Spanish are not necessarily considered to be particularly fast (mañana, mañana), this is of course just another cliché created by the surrounding countries. But when the temperatures are high and the dinners are long, why should you spend any more time coming up with a name? A dose of innovation, but in Spanish please. So in the following list you will find some short and modern Spanish boy names and their meaningsso you can fill your mouth with other delicacies instead.

Name Bedeutung
Adriánder aus Adria (einer Region in Italien) stammt
ÁlvaroBeschützer oder Krieger des Volkes
Brunobraun, dunkelhaarig
DaniGott ist mein Richter (Kurzform von Daniel)
Enzoder Herrscher des Hauses
Gaelfreigebiger oder derjenige, der großmütig ist
HugoVerstand oder Intelligenz
IkerBesuch, Botschafter
IvánGott ist gnädig (spanische Form von Johannes)
LucaLicht, der Leuchtende
Marcosdem Mars geweiht (spanische Form von Markus)
Martínkriegerisch, vom Kriegsgott Mars abstammend
NicoSieg des Volkes (Kurzform von Nicolás)
ThiagoGott möge beschützen (moderne Variante von Santiago)

It's no wonder that Spanish is the only language that has its own word for sitting around and chatting after a meal: Sobremesa. And hopefully the bearers of the modern Spanish boy names listed above will preserve this valuable Spanish tradition in the spirit of culture. 

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Common Spanish boy names

If you've ever been on vacation in Spain, you may know that there are some things you can always count on in Spain. These include, of course, the delicious tapas and the ubiquitous passion for soccer, but also the likelihood of meeting one of the common Spanish boy names listed below listed below. 

Name Bedeutung
Alejandroder Beschützer der Menschheit
Carlosder Freie oder der Krieger
DanielGott ist mein Richter
Davidder Geliebte
Diegoder Lehrende
Franciscoder Freie
Javierdas neue Haus oder helles Haus
JoséGott vermehrt
JuanGott ist gnädig
Luisberühmter Kämpfer
ManuelGott ist mit uns
Miguelwer ist wie Gott?
Pabloder Kleine oder der Demütige
Pedroder Fels
Sergioder Beschützer oder der Hüter

Religious meanings? Exactly! Due to Spain's deep connection with Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, many common Spanish boy's names have some form of biblical influence. Hence the many, many Spanish churches that had to be visited on family vacations back then... 

Most popular Spanish boy names of the last 100 years

Spain seems to be fertile ground when it comes to hosting many of the most outstanding personalities of our time. It is therefore no surprise that the last century has also been particularly eventful for the country. In the following list, you'll find the most popular Spanish boy names of the last 100 years, reflecting some of the country's developments.

Name Bedeutung
Alejandroder Beschützer der Menschheit
Álvaroder Beschützer oder der Beschützte
Andrésder Tapfere oder der Männliche
Ángelder Engel
Antonioder Unschätzbare
Carlosder Freie oder der Krieger
Davidder Geliebte
Diegoder Lehrende
Eduardoder Hüter des Reichtums
Franciscoder Freie
GabrielGott ist meine Stärke
Ignacioder Feurige
Javierdas neue Haus oder helles Haus
Jesúsder Retter oder Gott ist Rettung
JoaquínGott richtet auf
JoséGott vermehrt
JuanGott ist gnädig
Luisberühmter Kämpfer
ManuelGott ist mit uns
Mariovom Gott Mars
Martínder Krieger
Miguelwer ist wie Gott?
Pabloder Kleine oder der Demütige
Pedroder Fels
RafaelGott heilt
Ramónder Weise Beschützer
Robertoder Ruhmreiche
Santiagoder Heilige Jakob
Sergioder Beschützer oder der Hüter
Tomásder Zwilling

Times may come and go, but in Spain, religion endures. Due to Spain's deep connection with Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, the country's many common Spanish boy's names have some form of biblical influence. Hence the many, many Spanish churches that had to be visited on family vacations back then...

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Our top 100 Spanish boys' and men's names with meaning for your name search

If you haven't liked any of our Spanish boy names so far, we have 100 more Spanish male baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
AarónRegen bringende Wolke, respektabler Mann
AdánDiener Gottes
Agapitoder Freundliche, der Geliebte
Agustínder Erhabene
AlbertoGeschenk Gottes
AlejoForm von Alejandro, der Fremde Abwehrende
Alonsoder edle Kämpfer
AmadeoLiebe Gott!
Amadorder Liebende
Amadoder Geliebte
Ángelder Engel
Angelitokleiner Engel
Arturoder Bär
BaltasarGott schütze das Leben
Bartoloméder Preiswürdige
Bayardofarbige Bucht
Bautistader Täufer
Benicioder Gesegnete
Benitoder Gesegnete
Bernardoder starke Bär
Camiloer ist präsent in Gott
Calixtoder Schöne
Cándidoder Weiße
CarmeloBerg Karmel
Cayetanoder Mann aus Gaeta
Claudioder Hinkende
Clementemilde, gnädig
Cornelioder Hörner Tragende
Crisóstomogoldener Mund
Domingoder Sonntag, der Herr
Donatoder Geweihte
Eberardostark wie ein Eber
Eduardoder Hüter, der Beschützer
Elíasmein Gott ist Jahwe
Eloyder Fremde
Emilioder Eifrige, der Nachahmende
Enrickatalanisch für Heinrich, Herr des Hauses
Enriqueder Erleuchtete, der Kämpfer
Estebander Gekrönte
Eustaquiogute Frucht, der Standfeste
Evaristoder Wohlgesinnte
Facundoder Fruchtbare
Faustoder Glückbringende
Felicianoder Glückliche
Fermínfest, beharrlich
Fernandoder kühne Beschützer
Fidelder Treue
Froilánder Frohe
Gilder Schildhalter, der glänzende Spross
Gracianoder Liebenswürdige
Guillemkatalanisch für Wilhelm, der Beschützer
GuillermoWilhelm, der Beschützer
Hernánder mutige Krieger
Hernandokühner Beschützer
Hilarioder Fröhliche
Ignaciodas Feuer, der Feurige
IagoJakob, Gott möge schützen
Ikerder Besuch, die Erscheinung
Inocencioder Unschuldige
IucephJosef, Gott fügt hinzu
JorgeGeorg, der Landarbeiter
JoséJosef, Gott fügt hinzu
JuanJohannes, Gott ist gnädig
Lázaroder Lobenswerte
Leandroder Löwe
Leónder Löwe
Leovigildoder liebliche Gastgeber
Ludovicoberühmter Kämpfer
Macarioder Gesegnete
MiguelMichael, wer ist wie Gott?
Nazarioder Zweig, der Spross
Nuñoder Beschützer
Olegarioder tüchtige Speermann
Pacoder kleine Franzose
Pelayoder Fels
Ramiroder Weise, der Berühmte
RaulRalf, der Ratgeber
Recesvintoder Sieg des Volkes
Reyesdie Könige
RicardoRichard, der mächtige Herrscher
RodrigoRichard, der Ruhmreiche
Roldánder Berühmte
Románder Römer
Salvadorder Retter, der Erlöser
Sanchoder Heilige
Sebastiánder Verehrungswürdige
Teodomiroder berühmte Beschützer
Urbanoder Geduldige
Vidalder Lebendige, der Kräftige
Wilfredoder Wille, der Friede
Ximenoder ewig Währende
YagoJakob, Gott möge schützen
Yairdie Zukunft erleuchten
ZacaríasGott hat sich erinnert

Conclusion on Spanish boy names

With a touch of temperament and religiosity, Spanish boy names mix up the naming process like Picasso's brush mixes up his paint. Spanish birth certificates are therefore almost like a blank canvas waiting to be filled with traditional classics or contemporary masterpieces. 

And in a country that is already known for it, muy caliente we are at Lottili are curious to see what will happen when the current climate crisis turns things upside down - and which names will continue to shine like the Spanish sun.

Source reference:

Sources for the Spanish name statistics can be found here:


Frequently asked questions about Spanish girls' and women's names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Are there regional differences in Spanish boys' names?

Yes, there are regional differences in Spanish boy names. In different parts of Spain and in Spanish-speaking countries, different names may be preferred depending on regional traditions and cultural influences.

How to choose a Spanish boy's name?

The choice of a Spanish boy's name can be influenced by various factors, including personal preferences, family traditions and cultural significance. Some parents choose names that have a special meaning or honor the names of family members.

Are there any special traditions for giving names in Spain?

In Spain, there is a tradition that children are often named after saints whose name day is close to the child's birthday. Double first names are also common, whereby the first name is often traditional and the second name can be more modern or familial.

Which Spanish boy's names have a biblical origin?

Spanish boys' names with biblical origins are deeply rooted in culture and history. Many of these names carry significant stories and characteristics from the Bible, making them a popular choice for parents. These names combine tradition with timeless meaning and often give the bearer a special identity. Below you will find a list of Spanish boy names that are derived from biblical sources come from biblical sources.

Alejandro - the protector of mankind

David - the beloved

Diego - the teacher (can also be derived from Jacob)

Gabriel - God is my strength

José - God adds

Juan - God is merciful

Mateo - Gift of God

Miguel - Who is like God?

Samuel - God has heard

Santiago - St. Jacob

Eliodoro - Gift of the sun

Jeremías - the righteous

Lázaro - the praiseworthy, the praised

Manuel - God is with us

Salvador - the savior, the redeemer

Iago - May God protect (Spanish form of Jacob)

Esteban - the crowned one (Spanish form of Stephanus)

Hernán - bold protector (derived from Ferdinand)

Andrés - the brave (from Andreas)

Lucas - the shining one (from Lukas)

These names are not only popular in Spain, but also have a deeper cultural and religious meaning that makes them special. They reflect the connection between Spanish culture and biblical traditions.

Are there any Spanish boys' names that are named after historical figures?

Yes, there are some Spanish boys' names that refer to historical figures:

Names of kings and rulers

Alfonso - Means 'ready for anything' and was the name of several Spanish kings, including Alfonso X the Wise

Carlos - Means 'the free man' and was the name of several Spanish kings, including Charles I of Spain

Fernando - Means 'the bold protector' and was the name of several Spanish kings, including Ferdinand II of Aragon

Juan - Means "God is gracious" and was the name of several Spanish kings, including John I of Castile

Felipe - Means 'friend of horses' and was the name of several Spanish kings, including Philip II.

Names of saints and martyrs

Santiago - Means "St. James" and is the name of the patron saint of Spain

Ignacio - Means "the fire" and was the name of the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola

Esteban - Means "the crowned one" and was the name of the first Christian martyr Stephen

Names of literary and artistic figures

Quixote - Derived from Don Quixote, the protagonist of the novel of the same name by Miguel de Cervantes

Cid - Derived from El Cid, the national hero of Spain from the 11th century

Rodrigo - Means 'the glorious ruler' and was the name of the husband of Jimena, the wife of the Cid

These names often carry a deeper cultural meaning and connect the bearer with Spain's rich history. They commemorate important personalities and events and some are still popular today.

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